Work programme 2009-2012

5th EQAR General Assembly

Other relevant event Gödöllő, Hungary 18/03/2011

EQAR members convened for their fifth General Assembly in Gödöllő on 18 March 2011.

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The main item on the agenda was the draft Self-Evaluation Report for the External Evaluation of EQAR. Members shared their comments and reflections on the report in a very engaging discussion. The GA was also informed about the composition of the Evaluation Panel that will carry out the review.

The Vice-Chair of the Register Committee provided an update on the Committee’s work since the last General Assembly and presented the Register Committee’s summary report, published in October 2010.

Helka Kekäläinen (ENQA) was elected to the Executive Board as replacement member for Emmi Helle, who had resigned from her position on the Executive Board. The President of the EB thanked Emmi Helle for her contribution and work in EQAR.

As of 1 April 2011, the Executive Board will assume the following functions, according to the agreed annual rotation:

  • Andrea Blättler - President
  • Andreas Orphanides - Vice-President
  • Lesley Wilson - Vice-President
  • Helka Kekäläinen - Treasurer

Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey were present at the GA as observers and announced that their governments were considering Governmental Membership of EQAR.

Published: 18/03/2011 - Last modified: 29/06/2016
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