Work programme of the Bologna Follow-Up Group 2007-2009

Equality in a Knowledge-based Society - How to Widen Opportunities? (Best Practices in National Action Plans)

Bologna Seminar Budapest, Hungary 10/11/2008 - 11/11/2008

The Bologna Seminar entitled Equality in a Knowledge-based Society - How to Widen Opportunities? (Best Practices in National Action Plans) was organized by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture on 10-11 November 2008 in Budapest, Hungary.

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Chair: Dr. Efstathios Michael, Head of the Bologna Social Dimension Coordination Group, Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus
Opening address (in Hungarian)
Dr. Károly Manherz, State Secretary for Higher Education and Science, Ministry of Education and Culture, Hungary
Daniela Billus, Head of the Department for Equal Opportunities, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Hungary
Welcome address (in Hungarian)
Gábor Sárközi, Deputy Head of the Department for Equal Opportunities, Ministry of Education and Culture, Hungary
A few sentences about why our sentences on this subject can only be relevant in ten years' time (partly in Hungarian)

Questions from the audience

Julie Fionda, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, European Commission
The social dimension of the Bologna Process from a European perspective

Alma Joensen, Executive Committee, European Students' Union (ESU)
Social dimension - the lost dimension?

Szilvia Rézműves, student of Social Policy, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Personal experiences

Questions from the audience / Discussion
16.00-18.00  Working group sessions
Working group 1: Dimensions (Vetítőterem, 2. floor)
Chair, introduction and rapporteur: Dr. Dominic Orr, Eurostudent Project, Higher Education Information System (HIS), Hannover, Germany
Dr. Dominic Orr, Eurostudent Project, Higher Education Information System (HIS), Hannover, Germany
The Eurostudent project

Dr. Mariann Szemerszki - Dr. Kálmán Gábor, Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development (OFI)
Students and the transformation of Hungarian higher education

Gilles Verschoore, Social Affairs and Disability Officer, National Union of Students in Flanders, Belgium
Equal access and opportunities in higher education: Reality or just nice phrases?

Working group 2: Ranking (Bálterem, 2. floor)
 Chair, introduction and rapporteur: Prof. Dr. Tamás Rudas, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

    efficiency of different universities regarding social inequalities,rankings, methods and methodological dilemmas,
    the question of missing social indicators.

Inge Gielis, Social Affairs Committee, European Students' Union (ESU)
Rankings: student information or university hit parade?

Dr. Paszkál Kiss, Faculty of Pedagogy and Pychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Career choice as a trade-off: institutional offer and social background

Cort-Denis Hachmeister, Project Manager, Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), Germany
The inclusion of equality issues in university rankings

Working group 3: Strategies (Grófi dolgozószoba, 1. floor)
Chair, introduction and rapporteur: Dr. Henry Mifsud, Bologna expert and lecturer at the Institute of Tourism Studies, Malta
measures to increase the representation of the groups with disadvantages (ethnic minorities, migrants, disabled people, women, people living in poverty etc.),measures taken to help students complete their studies despite the obstacles related to their social or economic background,
forms of affirmative action.

Dr. Efstathios Michael, Head of the Bologna Social Dimension Coordination Group, Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus
From Prague to the national action plans for social dimension

Peter Brown, Director, National Access Office, Higher Education Authority, Ireland
The Irish National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education

Barbara Tonté, Coordination Officer, Department for Roma Integration, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour; former student of the Romaversitas Programme
The Romaversitas Programme - Observation from a successful Roma higher education initiative in Hungary

Alma Joensen, Executive Committee, European Students' Union (ESU)
Five steps to the social dimension

 Chair: Prof. Dr. János Csirik, Head of the National Bologna Board, University of Szeged, Hungary

Dr. István Hiller, Minister of Education and Culture, Hungary
The social dimension of the Bologna Process - Challenges of the 21st century

9.30  Summary for working group 1 (Dr. Dominic Orr)

9.40  Summary for working group 2 (Prof. Dr. Tamás Rudas)

9.50  Summary for working group 3 (Dr. Henry Mifsud)

10.00  Discussion

10.30  Coffee break
Dr. Katalin Tausz, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Conclusions of the Seminar, outline of the Budapest Recommendations on the Social Dimension of the Bologna Process

Discussion with the audience with a view to adopt conclusions and the Recommendations

Published: 10/11/2008 - Last modified: 20/10/2016
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