EHEA Website Archive

Education, research and innovation 2009-2012

Meeting of the BFUG Board with the representatives of various networks of researchers

BFUG Board meeting Brussels, Belgium 16/11/2011

Meeting of the BFUG Board with the representatives of various networks of researchers

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The meeting of the BFUG Board with higher education researchers constitutes a contribution from the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training to the call for exploring the opportunity of new working methods for the Bologna Process from the Vienna Declaration. Responses were sought in the higher education research environment (area), having in mind concerns that policy makers and researchers are not engaged in a continuous dialogue, which would help furthering both areas. Such concerns were articulated both in the debates within the Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers Conference (FOHE-BPRC) in Bucharest (17-19 October 2011) and in the Conference on the launching of the 2011 Modernisation Agenda of the European Commission in Sopot (24-25 October 2011). The meeting aimed at looking how researchers can make a more significant contribution to the Bologna Process.

Published: 16/11/2011 - Last modified: 18/07/2016
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