Work programme 2012-2015

Sixth meeting of the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee

Other relevant event Split, Croatia 19/06/2013

The Sixth meeting of the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee was held in Split on the 19 June 2013.

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During its sixth meeting held in Split on the 19 June, the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee adopted a new subsidiarity text on “The use of Qualifications Framework in the recognition of foreign qualifications” as well as its Explanatory Memorandum.

The development of national qualifications frameworks provides a new tool for transparency and comparability for the recognition of qualifications. The Recommendation takes notes of this situation and indicates general guidelines for their use.

Published: 19/06/2013 - Last modified: 22/07/2016
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Libson Recognition Convention

The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region - Treaty No.165 was first ratified in 11 April 1997.

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