Bologna Follow-Up Group Secretariat

The Bologna Secretariat handover ceremony hosted by Armenia

Other relevant event Yerevan, Armenia 01/07/2012

Starting from July 1st, 2010, Romania has taken over the responsibility of hosting the Bologna Secretariat, formerly being provided by the Benelux countries.

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Starting from July 1st, 2012, Armenia has taken over the responsibility of hosting the Bologna Secretariat, previously being provided by Romania. On behalf of the Armenian Bologna Secretariat, we would very much like to thank our colleagues from the former Secretariat for all of their excellent work and effort throughout the past two years.

The staff and the office of the Secretariat has been already formed.

The Deputy Minister of Education and Science Mrs. Karine Harutyunyan highlighted that the new commitment will be very responsible and at the same time honorable for Armenia.

This is an unprecedented process, as our educational system had not assumed such a responsibility earlier.

We are honoured that the event was attended by the Head of EU Delegation to Armenia Mr. Trajan Hristea, who congratulated Armenia’s Government on this memorable event and noted,

This is truly a big achievement for Armenia’s educational system. It will further promote the development of the European Higher Education Area and mobility.

It is also an honour for us, that Mrs. Silvia-Maria Zehe, the Head of Council of Europe Armenia Office, stressed that Armenia has a years-long history in the sphere of higher education and is fully aware of the significance of the education in economic development.

Published: 01/07/2012 - Last modified: 04/05/2016
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